Actress Athiya Shetty, daughter of Suniel Shetty and Mana Shetty, is reportedly all set to tie the knot with Indian cricketer KL Rahul this month. Athiya and KL Rahul’s wedding is the first Bollywood wedding of the year and fans can’t wait for the wedding pictures to be out soon. Even though the official dates are not yet announced, the latest reports suggest that the couple will get married on January 23 and their pre-wedding festivities will begin on January 21 in Khandala.
Though both families have remained tight-lipped about the wedding, the latest reports suggest that the couple will be exchanging their nuptial vows on January 23. Athiya and KL Rahul will reportedly get married on January 23 in Suniel Shetty’s Khandala bungalow with family members and close friends in attendance.
According to the reports, both families are “super excited” about the wedding and the preparations are going on in full swing. The report also claimed that the couple will exchange vows on January 23 and the pre-wedding festivities will begin on January 21.
Athiya and KL Rahul’s wedding will be a starry affair with celebrities from Bollywood and the sports fraternity attending the grand affair. If reports are to be believed, Salman Khan, Jackie Shroff, Akshay Kumar, MS Dhoni, and Virat Kohli, among others will be attending the wedding.
Also read: KL Rahul and Athiya Shetty to tie the knot in January 2023?