Inspired by the horrific and monstrous real-life events that occurred in the nation's capital, 'Sector 36' releases on Netflix today and stars Vikrant Massey...
Looking back at 2024, one film stands tall amidst a year dominated by sequels and franchises—Siddharth Anand’s Fighter. This high-octane aerial action drama has...
As 2025 kicks off, Bollywood is set to be graced by blockbuster projects promising for an exciting year filled with star-studded movies and memorable...
AP Dhillon's after-party was one starry place to be, where the gentlemen didn't disappoint with their suave looks. From making bold statements to slaying...
Looking back at 2024, one film stands tall amidst a year dominated by sequels and franchises—Siddharth Anand’s Fighter. This high-octane aerial action drama has...
In a photographic tribute to the legendary singer “ BHARAT RATNA” M.S. Subbulakshmi on the occasion of her 108th birth anniversary, versatile actress Vidya...