Founded by Ranjan Chhabra, an entrepreneur, ace marketer, and a complete Bollywood Adventurer at heart. He plans to make Mamarazzi into an umbrella which will cover content from movies, television, and streaming platforms across India and around the globe, through unique concept driven shows. When asked why the name Mamaraazzi, Chabbra retorts with a laugh, why should Papas have all the fun… anyways whatever Papas can do mama’s can do better And the way story telling is ever changing, I think its high time that even entertainment news should get a complete makeover.’
The team is working furiously to develop novel ideas. The first show they are starting is – a chat show where trade and critics dissect the releases week on week, inviting us into the exciting debate of who’s more valid – critics or box office. Next up, they have a comedy show that can be relished by the whole family, which will deliver bone tickling humour to the audience. Over and above these, the property will offer a show that will be a platform to offer support promising young entrepreneurs in achieving their dreams. At Mamaraazzi the aim is to inform, entertain, and deliver content round the clock. Are you ready for the ride?