Indian cinema is set to welcome a promising new face in 2025 as Akanksha Sharma gears up for an impressive debut with four highly anticipated films. Her Bollywood journey begins with Tera Yaar Hoon Main, co-starring Aman Indra Kumar and directed by Milap Zaveri. The film promises to be an emotional entertainer centered on relationships and friendship, showcasing Akanksha’s versatility as an actress.
Following this, Akanksha takes on a pivotal role in the period drama Kesari Veer. Sharing the screen with industry stalwarts Suniel Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, and Sooraj Pancholi, the film promises a gripping tale of valor and sacrifice. Audiences are looking forward to a power-packed performance from Akanksha as she steps into this challenging role in a grand cinematic narrative.
Simultaneously, Akanksha will mark her Telugu debut with Laila, set to release on February 14, 2025, alongside the dynamic Vishwak Sen. With its captivating storyline and chart-topping music, Laila is already generating buzz as a romantic drama that highlights her natural charm and screen presence.
Adding to her growing filmography, Akanksha is set to star in an action-comedy film directed by Milap Zaveri, which begins shooting this year.
With her blend of beauty, talent, and a strong lineup of films, Akanksha is poised to become a rising star in Indian cinema. As she balances diverse genres and industries, her 2025 debut is set to leave a lasting impression.